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Quantitative T cell immunology and immunotherapy-old-homepage

Quantitative T cell immunology and immunotherapy

WP1 - Compartmentalisation and dynamics of T cells

This WP requires a combination of novel experimental techniques and modelling (deterministic and stochastic) approaches, and thus mathematicians (B1, B2, B8) and experimental immunologists (B5 and B8) will work closely together. The main objective is to quantify whole body compartmentalisation and kinetic rates of naive and memory T cells and develop suitable mathematical models.

WP2: TCR repertoires in health and disease in blood and tissues

ESRs in this WP will study the relationship between different memory T cell populations in and outside the circulation and will make in-depth studies of the TCR repertoires of purified naive and memory T cell populations (in health and disease) using NGS. The main objective is to develop novel statistical, mathematical and computational tools for naive and memory TCR repertoires to study overlap and clonal sizes.

WP3: T cell immunotherapies

Modelling the immune response to antigens is a complex endeavour that no single mathematical approach has so far been able to capture. In order to build quantitative models of immunotherapies, sophisticated new data and multi scale computational methods are required. To investigate T cell signal integration, new experiments will be performed at P1 and interrogated. The main objective is to develop mathematical and computational methods to explore T cell immunotherapies and T cell immunogenicity.

European flag This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme, under H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 grant agreement number 764698
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