Theses of ESRs
The ESRs will aim to submit a PhD thesis on their research and details will be added here.
- ESR 3 LĂ©a Sta, University of Leeds
"Mathematical models of cell signalling in heterogeneous populations" - ESR 6 Giulia Belluccini, University of Leeds
"Stochastic models of cell population dynamics and tick-borne virus transmission" - ESR 10 Daniel Luque Duque, University of Leeds
"Network models of T cell receptor repertoires, cross-reactivity, and viral infection" - ESR 13 Flavia Feliciangeli, Bayer AG
"Stochastic compartmental models and CD8+ T cell exhaustion" - ESR 15 HoChan Cheon, Maynooth University
"Statistical analysis and mathematical modelling of lymphocyte population dynamics"